- 工信部备案号 滇ICP备05000110号-1
- 滇公安备案 滇53010302000111
- 增值电信业务经营许可证 B1.B2-20181647、滇B1.B2-20190004
- 云南互联网协会理事单位
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- 域名注册服务机构许可:滇D3-20230001
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一般情况,命令行输入 sudo apt-get ins 按 tab ,它后面会自动补全为 install 如果右面写了包的名的一部分,按 tab 它也会自动完成或列出候选的,这次装了个 debian 5 突然不好使了
首先确认是否安装了 自动补全的插件,输入
apt-get install bash-completion
问了一圈都不知道,后来还是在老外的 blog 上找到答案:
即 在 .bash_profile 里加
if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
. /etc/bash_completion
就 ok 了
完整 copy 下来吧:
Add Bash Completion In Debian
ash completion is a useful tool for completion of file paths, commands etc. By default it is enabled on Ubuntu but not on Debian. With two simple steps it can also be enabled on Debian.
1. Install bash-completion
First of all we need the install the according package:
apt-get install bash-completion
2. Add it to the bash profile
Either edit the ~/.bash_profile file to enable it only for a given user or edit /etc/profile to add it system-wide. Add the following code:
if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
. /etc/bash_completion
3. Try it
In order for it to work you have to log out and relogin and then you can make use of bash completion the usual way. E.g. issue:
and then press the TAB key once and the command will be completed to apt-get. Or issue this:
and then press TAB key twice. You can also try with
apt-get install apa
and then press TAB key once to complete as far as possible and a second time to list all options.