- 工信部备案号 滇ICP备05000110号-1
- 滇公安备案 滇53010302000111
- 增值电信业务经营许可证 B1.B2-20181647、滇B1.B2-20190004
- 云南互联网协会理事单位
- 安全联盟认证网站身份V标记
- 域名注册服务机构许可:滇D3-20230001
- 代理域名注册服务机构:新网数码
yum install iptop -y
DISK READ and DISK WRITE are the block I/O bandwidth used during the sampling
period. SWAPIN and IO are the percentages of time the thread spent respectively
while swapping in and waiting on I/O more generally. PRIO is the I/O priority at
which the thread is running (set using the ionice command).
Controls: left and right arrows to change the sorting column, r to invert the
sorting order, o to toggle the --only option, p to toggle the --processes
option, a to toggle the --accumulated option, i to change I/O priority, q to
quit, any other key to force a refresh.
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o, --only only show processes or threads actually doing I/O
-b, --batch non-interactive mode
-n NUM, --iter=NUM number of iterations before ending [infinite]
-d SEC, --delay=SEC delay between iterations [1 second]
-p PID, --pid=PID processes/threads to monitor [all]
-u USER, --user=USER users to monitor [all]
-P, --processes only show processes, not all threads
-a, --accumulated show accumulated I/O instead of bandwidth
-k, --kilobytes use kilobytes instead of a human friendly unit
-t, --time add a timestamp on each line (implies --batch)
-q, --quiet suppress some lines of header (implies --batch)